23 May 2020
Jennifer Chia interviewed by the LHZB: “分析师:应确保不妨碍自由市场原则 推公平租约须兼顾租户与业主利益”
Features Jennifer Chia
TSMP Law Corporation’s Head of Corporate Real Estate, Jennifer Chia, was asked by the Lianhe Zaobao for her views on the Fair Tenancy Framework Industry Committee’s recommendations to solve a perceived imbalance in landlord-tenant relationship amid COVID-19 outbreak. In the story published on 23 May 2020, she said she believes no bill has ever been passed from ground-up efforts. To succeed, the government must feel that there is a public interest to protect or to generate Singapore’s economic development. Singapore’s leasing practices have largely operated based on market forces and legislating the way the relationship works would hinder freedom of contract and business. Legislation dictates to landlords what they need to do – no choice about it. Once you lose control of what you can determine as an outcome, it very likely hinders your drive to innovate your business.
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